Sunday, January 10, 2010

one small change month 1:week 1

my first week through the challenge and let me pull out some situations i didn't count on.

1) chicken tortilla soup - the recipe card calls for spreading tortillas on paper towels to absorb oil. it was my first time with the recipe on a week night. just me and alex. and i didn't have time to think of plan b. so, i know for next time, i need alternate grease soakers or i could use this version of the same recipe.

2) making pancakes this morning, we ran out of the spray oil and alan needed to use the regular oil. i hear him say, "i need paper towels." i told him where our stash is (packed in the basement) and i think he opted for one random restaurant napkin we had in a drawer.

other than that, i've realized this is a fairly conquerable challenge in my house. i use rags to clean and wipe spills. have my roll of 'unpaper towels' on the roll next to the sink. i think this has helped the household paper towel usage. my husband is adjusting to using the unpaper towels instead of 1-2 paper towels to wipe his fingers while eating. i've also added cloth napkins to our repertoire to help with this.

it's when i'm out and about that it gets complicated - work especially. i'm not sure it's avoidable being that i'm in a nursing home. i don't know that i want to use something reusable. although, now that i think about it, i could probably fit a wash cloth in my pocket and just throw it in the laundry and replace it. i might try it and report back.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

one small change - january

if it wasn't extremely obvious, i've got lots going on in my head and big hopes lately for revamping my way of life. and of course a new year is always good motivation to renew our intentions and spirit. i had been moving towards this anyways. a baby seems to do the same sorts of inspiring and motivating. anyways, i have decided that in addition to my new year 50 (im already halfway there), i am going to do this as well. i hope i'm not taking on too much. but i think all these things are ideally what i want to do with my life. so it doesn't hurt to try and pick up where i leave off if things get crazy.

so, i have lots of ideas to fit into a few months. things i've been meaning to do anyways. here are my ideas:
1) use unpaper towels and rags for cleaning and household messes/chores
2) try alex with cloth diapers
3) attempt the family cloth
4) bring bags/containers for shopping
5) change billing statements to online
6) freecycle/donate household excess
7) turn lights/appliances off
8) plan errands
9) make household cleaners
10) do some green crafting (sandwich/snack bags, cloth napkins, pillow cases, duvet, gift bags)

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 - motivate me

we recently started a 'weekend list' in our house to put down tasks to be done on weekends. this came out of our sunday discussions coming up with all the things we should have done and needed to do.

my next plan is to make a weekend family jar filled with ideas of activities to do as a family. this way we dont have to come up with something every weekend or feel stuck without ideas or in a rut. i think my contributions will have a lot of outdoor and free ideas!

and of course, a new years resolution. to make a to do list and cross things off of it. this is something i've already been trying to do. but the new year just adds a little motivation and energy to it all.

first things: learn to knit, finish reading some books, print out alex's first year pictures (literally thousands)

new year - clean slate

i've been doing my share of catching up on some fabulous blogs and came across this idea - oh but it's already the first of the year. so. alan and i aim to complete this by the start of february. i haven't decided if i want to have us each do 50 (100 total). looking around, i think it'd be doable. i'm making prenumbered lists to go on the fridge for us to keep track and will try to transfer them over here at some point. so goal #1- clear the house of unnecessary excess etc and goal #2- add the least amount to landfills in the process.

wish me luck!