Tuesday, March 16, 2010

march- one small change

it's halfway through the month, but i finally decided on my small change (feels big) for march - cloth diapers for alex. finally i was satisfied with my online shopping carts from www.cottonbabies.com and www.nickisdiapers.com and ordered them yesterday after over a week of research and shopping.

and since alan is not gung ho on the whole change over (not a fan of poop) and i'm not sure how well chunky alex will fit in each type of diaper, i got a mix of prefolds and covers for me and an assortment of pocket diapers for alan and the sitters. i also invested in some flushable liners which i've been told are great for managing poo, especially mushy poo like alex tends to have.

i'm very anxious to get started and learn a new 'art' while doing my one small change. i'm hoping i haven't gotten in over my head and am able to fully convert the household to managing cloth diapers. if i have to keep buying disposables for night time, it will have been a much more expensive conversion than i hoped.

next post will include a picture of alex in a cloth diaper!

Monday, March 1, 2010

one small change. month 2 ends. month 3 starts.

february was my month to reduce plastic. the other week i kept track of how many plastic bags i was able to decline during my errands - 14. it would have been 15, if i remembered to send the mother in law with a bag. also, i realized i need to get the husband a reusable bag for his errands (and lunches*).

he's the only one bringing bags into the house anymore. which is a great reversal considering i use to have an overflowing bag keeper under the sink for bagging up dog poo, vacuum contents, bathroom and office trash, etc. he used to have to beg me to clear them out. so, before this challenge even, i started bringing these bags to the grocery store's recycle and gradually, our stockpile of plastic has actually shrunk instead of grown!

i have been doing my best to discourage the use of saran wrap and had to remind the husband that people did not always have plastic to put their bread in and cloth or glass were valid alternatives.

* i just had a quick discussion about this grocery bag for lunches each day. he says he THROWS Them out after lunch!!! ack! i know what to get him for his easter basket - reusable shopping bag and lunch bag. this also reminds me of our conversation the other night. i got chipotle for dinner. Husband: "where's the chipotle bag?" me: i used my own bag. Husband: "what am i supposed to take my lunch in tomorrow? me: use this bag (a small reusable bag like the one at the top). i dont know if this is not manly enough, because he gave me a look and he told me he just stuffed it in his work bag. baby steps.

and now to march. hmm, i had been thinking i would be prepared to do the family cloth by now. but i still havent figured out the logistics. and i'm not sure how our son's sitters that spend the day in the house would think of it. i've been looking for containers to hold the clean and dirty. no luck so far. i think this is going to be the most challenging month yet...